Saturday, September 29, 2007

Sunnahs of Eidul-Fitr

Eid ul-Fitr is one of the two major holidays celebrated by all Muslims of the world. It comes at the end of Ramadan- the fasting month. It is a day of celebration and giving thanks to Allah, our Creator and ...

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

A Monument of beauty

By Velma CookA monument of beauty you standGentleness and justice extend from your handsHands raised in prayerYour eyes know no fear Small children play at your feetOpen handed kindness which none can beatEyes that see through the shallow smilesA mind...

Sunday, September 23, 2007

The sickness of this world

This world is full of darkness and light Good days and bad days Full of good deeds and bad deeds yet we seem to sin more than we do good Lying becomes hobby Telling the truth becomes something that was in that past that will never last Spreading...

The Christian Missionary's Thinking Questions for the Muslim

(Article based on Gary Miller's Speech on Islam & Christianity) Missionary: Does the Koran say that Jesus was sinless? Muslim: Yes. Jesus was perfect man. Never sinned. Missionary: Does the Koran...

Islam in the Western mirror

By Dr. Nasir Khan Present-day images of Muslims and Islam in Western media vary considerably. However, since the collapse of the Soviet Union the general drift of Western concerns has been to portray Islam as the main enemy of the West and the Muslim...

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Is there a flaw in women?

By the time the Lord made woman, he was into his sixthday of working overtime.An angel appeared and said,"Why are you spending so much time on this one?"And the Lord answered, "Have you seen my spec sheet onher?She has to be completely washable, but...

7 Rules of Motivation

#1 Set a major goal, but follow a path. The path has mini goals that go in many directions. When you learn to succeed at mini goals, you will be motivated to challenge grand goals. #2 Finish what you start. A half finished project is of no...

Friday, September 21, 2007


Melucuti kemuliaan dan kecenderungan yang indahdan menjadikan burung rajawali seperti burung puyuhmenundukkan para pengendara dengan nada yang terangdan derasnya laut menenggelamkan bahteralagu-lagu meninarobokkan kesadaran kitanapasnya memadam cahaya kita....

The Ten Principles of Hassan al-Banna

1.) The Unity of the Ummah. He considered it in itself a primary and important goal that we must strive for. "Do no disagree, then you fail and lose the wind (in your tail." 2.) The Agreement on Principal Matters. Such that we start by considering...

Thursday, September 20, 2007

What can I do...?

What can I do...? Everyday,The rumbling noise of tanksCrushing cars are heard, Everyday,Exploding machine gunsEcho in the air, Everyday,Mountains of fire burns downOur town... What can I do...? Each day,The screams of mothers could be heard, ...

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

10 Sicknesses of the Heart...

Ten Sicknesses of the Heart... 1. You believe in the existance of Allah (SWT) but you do not fulfil His Commands. 2. You say you love the Prophet Mohammed (SAW) but you do not follow his Sunnah. 3. You read the Holy Qur'an but you do not put it...

Tricks of the Shaytan....

As for the tricks of Shaytaan against you they are seven.1. He obstructs you from doing acts of obedience . Repel him, if Allah protects you, by realizing that you are in need of these acts of obedience in order to gather provision from this life for...

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

I am a Muslim...

I am a Muslim And God I praise For all His blessings My voice I raise In one God I believe No equal has He Lord of the universe Compassionate to me Muhammad the prophet Taught me the way To be honest and truthful Throughout every day The...


Assalamualaikum....peace be upon all of u, all the readers of this brand new blog...welcome to YOUTHFUL SPIRIT...Actually i'm still green in this blogging thing.... so, juz leave some cmmnts 4 me 2 improve my blogging skill...hmm.... 4 ur information,...