Assalamualaikum,Wishing you all Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri, maaf zahir dan batin. to UTPians, enjoy your long-awaited break! But dun forget your final exam which is just a month away.. huhucLicK HeRe : Get Kad R...
Welcome to Youthjihad, a weblog where you see Jihad in a broader view. I create this blog to share my thoughts on any contemporary issue, preferably Islamic-related issue with hope to build concern among Muslim youth on Muslim World which is under scrutiny.
Interested parties, may reproduce or quote materials published with the condition that they are credited toYouthjihad
Subjects of Interest: Islamic Civilization, Comparative Religions, Philosophy & Spiritual(mainly on Al-Ghazali's and Ibnu Khaldun's works), Science & Technology, Politic, Anthropology and Psychology
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