Saturday, March 29, 2008

Champion Mentality

1. Be responsible to our past. - We have everything to choose. The power is in our hand. So, we are responsible to whatever that had happened!2. Be optimist to our present. - No such thing like problem but challenge and chance. keep looking...

Friday, March 28, 2008

Sisters In Islam

No longer shackled by the oppression Of mini-skirts and see-thru shirts My sisters stand proud Covered by cloth and more so by conviction Submission to Allah, they stand apart from the crowd The taunts, the jeers, the stares and the leers Never fazing or dissuading them from following the deen Real women they be, the epitome of feminity ...

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Aurat dan Kemuliaan

Menutup aurat membuka kewanitaan dan kemuliaan. Sebagai contoh, R. Stevenson menulis dalam Toronto Star bertarikh 23 januari 2002 berhubung dengan etika pemakaian wanita Islam. Beliau berkata, “Ketika saya dan akan-rakan sedang makan malam di sebuah...

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Maulidur Rasul's Special: Ketibaan Nabi Muhammad Dalam Kitab-Kitab Agama Lama

oleh Mohd Jamil MukminPENDAHULUAN Kelahiran Nabi Muhammad sebagai Nabi Akhir Zaman telah terlebih dahulu diramalkan oleh banyak kitab-kitab agama orang-orang lama zaman itu. Kitab-kitab agama itu termasuklah kitab-kitab Vida, Dasatir dan Injil (Bible)....

Monday, March 17, 2008

19 Keistimewaan Wanita Menurut Hadis

1. Doa wanita itu lebih makbul daripada lelaki kerana sifat penyayang yang lebih kuat daripada lelaki. Ketika ditanya kepada Rasulullah SAW akan hal tersebut, jawab baginda , " Ibu lebih penyayang daripada bapa dan doa orang yang penyayang tidak akan...

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Global Economy

The rise of technology has allowed our environment to be characterized as a global one. This also gives rise to The Global Economy which gave business the ability to market products and services all over the globe. The shift to Global Economy and widespread...

7 Habits of Highly Effective People.

Assalamualaikum… This time, I wanna share some tips of how to be a highly effective people or successful people or anything similar. They are taken from Dr. Stephen Covey’s inspirational book, 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. Habit 1 - be proactive...

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Kerna Cinta nan Agung

Fajar yang bening, Saksi hati mulus, Menagih Cinta Agung, Sang Khaliq, Tahajud wadah jiwa bernoda, Mengukir keinsafan, Sang hamba, Bisikan hidayah itu, Laksana penawar racun bahana, Racun bisa, Bencana hati sang hamba, Luka jiwa manusia,...

Monday, March 10, 2008

Politics Tsunami in Malaysia

Assalamualaikum....Well, this time I just wanna put my post in my MRSM PC Friendster Group's discussion on M'sia general election result. Quite happy because we will see a new Malaysia after this(Hope so). Quite sad too because Datuk Hasbullah Isa(Pak...

Monday, March 3, 2008

6 Stages to Knowledge

Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah (rahimahullaah) - said:"There are six stages to knowledge:Firstly: Asking questions in a good manner.Secondly: Remaining quiet and listening attentively.Thirdly: Understanding well.Fourthly: Memorising.Fifthly: Teaching.Sixthly- and it is its fruit: Acting upon the knowledge and keeping to its limits."...