Kelakar 1
“pemikiran yang gagal ialah pemikiran stereotype dan suka menyalahkan orang lain.
cth: "si Anynomuos adalah seorang bekas pelajar sekolah agama tapi dia tak pakai tudung labuh pun," kata Avril kepada Taylor.
Avril, tudung segi tiga ada masalah ke selagi ia menutup aurat @ menutup kepala?”
Kata saya: Kelakarlah awak ni.. haha.. awak baca ayat ni dan perhatikan betul2
“Katakanlah kepada wanita yang beriman: "Hendaklah mereka menahan pandangannya, dan kemaluannya, dan janganlah mereka menampakkan perhiasannya, kecuali yang (biasa) nampak dari padanya. Dan hendaklah mereka menutupkan kain kudung kedadanya……” (An-Nur: 31)
Budak sekolah agama sepatutnya dah faham benda ni. Menutup aurat tu bukan tutup kepala je. Dada pun kena tutup. Tak boleh la nampak bentuk. Pakai baju je tetapi tudung singkat tak tutup dada(dah la baju putih nipis transparent!) sama la dengan tak tutup aurat. Tak cukup dengan itu je. Jadi, tolong refer pada post ini. Faham ke tak ni? Tak boleh terima ke sebab stereotype sangat?
Kelakar 2
some say, "we can't celebrate valentines.”
well, I'll reply,
"Screw that! it is not that i am celebrating it. Valentines is just a day that we can express how deep is your love towards your friends or parents. It does not mean we have to hang out or spend our time with our love one.
Valentines is about love, love to our parents, friends and even to our pets! "
My answer: Then how you celebrate Hari Raya? Wait2, what does it means by the word ‘celebrate’? My teacher said “ Celebrate means engage with festivities or praise publicly”. That’s why I laugh loudly by the time I read those funny words by somebody. Let me spill it again.. hahahahahahahaha…. Oh my God.. Valentine is a religious festival my friends… And yes it doesn’t mean that you need to hang out with your boy/girlfriends(which obviously HARAM).. but to say that u express how deep your love in conjunction with Valentine, what does that mean? Even stupid dumb people understand this.. Like we can’t express our love anytime..
Can I ask you? How much you pray from Allah for the happiness of your parents, friends and your pets? It’s obvious isn’t it? See! How hypocrite! Well, this is not silly. This is about Aqidah! To refuse a fatwa is a very serious offence!
1. Stop making all this joke! Or if not, I will laugh till my stomach burst to death.. haha
3. Kenapa saya tembak? Sebab kenyataan-kenyataan di atas melibatkan soal akidah.. so, bukan soal kecil walaupun bunyinya amat kelakar(baca:bodoh).
4. Kepada sesiapa yang tertembak, saya tidak mahu mintak maaf sebab ini kewajipan selaku saudara seIslam. Justeru, saya mohon mereka yang tertembak agar mengucap 2 kalimah syahadah sekalai lagi kerana dikhuatiri akidah anda terbatal. Saya tidak menghukum, tetapi ini berdasarkan apa yg saya belajar. Ke nak jumpa hakim?
1 comments: on "Kisah Kelakar"
biarkan air itu terus mengalir, agar batu itu pecah suatu hari nanti...
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